Renault UK has created this site for Motrio UK, for the personal information of its users. It also provides access to services and online appointment booking. Use of the site by the user is subject to compliance with the general conditions of use, detailed in this site in the corresponding section, and with all applicable laws. When accessing, browsing and using the site, you accept without reservation the general conditions of use, which prevail over any other agreement you may have with RENAULT UK or members of the Motrio UK network.

This website is published by: RENAULT UK


The Rivers Office Park, Denham Way, Maple Cross, Rickmansworth WD3 9YS


Your access to and use of the site is conditional with your compliance to the terms and conditions given below and all applicable legislation.


For the purposes of these terms and conditions:

"GTC" means these general terms and conditions of use, the purpose of which is to define the terms and conditions of online booking of Services.

"Content" refers to, but is not limited to, the structure of the Site, editorial content, drawings, illustrations, images, photographs, graphic charts, brands, logos, acronyms, company names, audiovisual works, multimedia works, visual content, audio and sound content, as well as any other content present within the Site.

"Elements" refers to the various functionalities and information elements offered on the Site.

"Services" means any Vehicle maintenance and repair operation carried out by a Motrio Service Repairer and includes parts and labour.

"Motrio Service Repairer" refers to the repair garage that is a member of the Motrio network operating as an independent trader for the Services. The Motrio Service Repairer, an independent trader, shall remain responsible for any information of any kind that he may include on the Site, particularly in response to a request or question from the User.

Renault Group” include Renault S.A.S and Renault UK

Renault UK” refers to Renault UK Limited

"Site" refers to the "" site, published by RENAULT UK, giving access to the Elements. The Site includes the Content, software, programs, tools (programming, navigation, etc.), databases, operating systems, documentation, and all other elements that make it up, updates and new versions that may be made to the Site by RENAULT.

"User" refers to any natural person of legal age (or emancipated minor with full legal capacity) who can enter obligations in accordance with English law, browsing the Site for his or her own needs, for strictly personal use, with a view to benefiting from the Services.

"Vehicle" means any motor vehicle of any make.


The purpose of the Site is to enable contact between, on the one hand, a User seeking to have a Service performed for his Vehicle, and, on the other hand, a Motrio Service Repairer likely to perform a Service.

To this end, the Site allows the User to:

●     Find out about the Services offered by Motrio Service Repairers,

●     Identify the Service(s) and a Motrio Service Repairer likely to perform it (them) for the Vehicle,

●     Book a Service with a Motrio Service Repairer for your Vehicle online,

●     This list is non-exhaustive and may be modified at any time by RENAULT UK without it being held liable in this respect.

It is understood that RENAULT UK reserves the right to modify, at any time and without prior notice, the information appearing on the Site, particularly that relating to the terms and conditions for making an appointment for a Service Provision.

The services offered by the Site are provided free of charge. Given the purpose of the Site, the User acknowledges that the performance of any Service by a Motrio Service Repairer (including the drawing up of a specific estimate, where applicable, as part of the repair order drawn up by the Motrio Service Repairer during the workshop visit) is subject to invoicing by the Motrio Service Repairer payable by the User.


The Site is accessible from the Internet at the following address:

To make an appointment for a Service Provision from the Site, the user must provide the registration number of his vehicle and his personal details (surname, first name, telephone number, e-mail address).


RENAULT UK grants the User a personal, non-exclusive, revocable, non-assignable, non-transferable and free right to use the Site, the Content and its Elements.

This licence is granted to the User solely for his or her own needs, to the exclusion of any commercial or profit-making use of all or part of the Content and/or Elements.

The User does not acquire any other rights to the Site, the Content and/or the Elements other than those granted herein.



To obtain an appointment for a Service Provision:

1-   Enter the car's registration number and mileage

2-  Choose the service(s)

3-  Choose the location of the service

4-  Choose the repairer

5-  Choose one or more appointment slots

6-  Enter contact details


The Motrio Service Repairer selected by the User examines the appointment request and:

●     confirms the appointment request by selecting one of the two dates proposed by the User; the User and the Motrio Service Repairer receive an Email; or

●     Requests to reschedule the appointment by proposing two other dates: or

●     Rejects the request.

The User receives an email or a call at the end of the Service.

The User may at any time make a new request for an appointment.


The User or the Motrio Service Repairer may modify the appointment by rejecting the appointment made. Each is then informed of the other's decision by telephone and/or email and in this case:

●     Either the User re-submits a request for an appointment,

●     Or the Motrio Service Repairer contacts the User to change the appointment.


After any request for an appointment or an appointment already made, the User can change Motrio Service Repairer by cancelling the appointment. The User and the Motrio Service Repairer will receive an email to notify them of the cancellation. The User can then create a new appointment request by selecting the desired Motrio Service Repairer, as described in 5.1 above.


The User can cancel the appointment at any time. The Motrio Service Repairer will receive an email and/or a call to notify him of the cancellation. It is recommended to give at least 24-hour notice.

Making an appointment is a definite commitment to the User, and wherever possible the User should cancel an appointment by contacting the workshop directly if they are unable to attend. The User will bear all the consequences of not attending an appointment vis-à-vis the Motrio Service Repairer unless he cancels the appointment with reasonable notice.


The User is responsible for choosing the Service that best suits his needs. In all cases, upon receipt of the Vehicle, the Motrio Service Repairer will check the Vehicle and its diagnosis may either confirm the Service for which the appointment was made or recommend any Service corresponding to the condition of the Vehicle instead or in addition. This verification and the resulting proposal will be carried out in accordance with the Motrio Service Repairer's General Terms and Conditions of Repair in force on the date the Vehicle is presented.

RENAULT UK and the Motrio Service Repairer are not responsible for any errors resulting from the user entering incorrect information during the Appointment Booking process.


The Site does not provide any information on the price of the Services nor any quotation for the Services chosen for an appointment with a Motrio Service Repairer. To find out the price, the User can call the Motrio Service Repairer chosen for the Service in question.


The User is advised that any information relating to the price of the Service provided by the Motrio Service Repairer is provided as an indication for the sake of convenience and subject to the diagnosis and recommendations referred to in article 5.5 above. RENAULT UK does not accept any responsibility for any price indicated by a Motrio Service Repairer to the User and under no circumstances does RENAULT UK guarantee the accuracy of the information provided by the Motrio Service Repairer. The final price of the Service may vary depending on the repair order drawn up by the Motrio Service Repairer and submitted for the User's signature before the Service is carried out and depending on the terms and conditions of the Motrio Service Repairers' General Repair Conditions, which are brought to the User's attention under the responsibility of the Motrio Service Repairer before the Service is carried out.


If a User provides comments on the Site concerning the functionalities or performance of the services (identification of errors, suggestions for improvements, etc.), the User undertakes to grant Renault UK all rights, title and interest related to their implementation, without restriction or payment. In addition, the User may receive a satisfaction survey by e-mail after the Services have been provided, with the aim of evaluating the quality of the Site's services or the Motrio Service Repairer's Services, and the User remains entirely free to respond to this survey and is under no obligation in this respect.


The User undertakes to use the Site in accordance with national and international regulations. In particular, the User undertakes to:

●     Take cognizance of the present GCU and to comply with them,

●     Not reproduce, even temporarily and/or partially, the Site and/or its Content, by any means and in any form,

●     Not access and/or use the software components of the Site,

●     Not use software or processes intended to copy the Content and/or likely to disrupt the proper functioning of the Site,

●     Not adapt, modify, translate, transcribe, compile, decompile, assemble, or disassemble all or part of the Site, the Elements and/or the Content.

●     Not export the Site and/or merge it with other computer programs,

●     Inform RENAULT UK if he/she becomes aware of an act of piracy and/or an illicit or non-contractual use of the Site and/or its Content,

●     Not carry out any manipulation and/or introduce any virus or malicious code that could lead to computer and/or functional breakdowns that could affect the proper functioning of the Site or any Elements accessible via the Site.

●     Not interfere with the proper functioning of the Site by any means whatsoever,

●     Not use the Site to post, download or transmit any content contrary to good morals and public order (such as, but not limited to, any content of a racial, political, religious, pornographic or sexual nature).


As the User is solely responsible for the Use of the Site, he/she acknowledges that neither RENAULT UK nor the Motrio Service Repairers may be held liable for any direct or indirect damage, and in particular material damage, immaterial damage, loss of data or programs, or financial damage, resulting from access to or use of the Site, or due to the interruption, suspension or modification of the Site or any of its Elements.

When the User documents forms, he/she undertakes to ensure that the content of his/her comments:

●     Is related to the purpose of the form they are filling in,

●     Is not such as to divert the purpose of the form by expressing (i) philosophical, political, religious or trade union opinions or (ii) elements of a racial, ethnic, or sexual nature that are violent, vulgar, obscene, offensive, contrary to good morals, proselytising, defamatory or hateful,

●     Does not harm the brand image of RENAULT UK or the brand image of the Motrio network and more generally the interests of the RENAULT Group.

In the event of violation of any of the above restrictions, RENAULT UK reserves the right, at its own discretion and without prior notice, to suspend the processing of its application and to initiate legal proceedings.



Within the limits of applicable laws and regulations, neither RENAULT UK nor the members of the Motrio network assume any responsibility for the use of the Site by the User and do not give any guarantee, explicit or implicit, as to the speed or performance of the Site. Access to the Site may be temporarily suspended for technical reasons. Where applicable, the technical teams will make their best efforts to resolve the problem as quickly as possible.

RENAULT UK reserves the right to modify the information on the Site at any time and without prior notice, and neither RENAULT UK and/or its subsidiaries nor the Motrio Service Repairers may be held liable in this respect.

Access to and use of the Site is at the User's own risk. It is the User's responsibility to take all appropriate measures to protect his/her own data and/or software stored on his/her telephone and computer equipment against any attack.

In any event, RENAULT UK shall be released from any liability:

●     In the event of non-compliance by the User with these GTC,

●     In the event of malfunction of the Site due to a cause, whether voluntary or involuntary, attributable to the User or attributable to a third party and resulting from a malicious act, software, equipment (smartphone, tablet, etc.), an interface or any other product or supply of the User.

●     In the event of malfunction and/or failure of the User's computer and/or communication network, regardless of the cause.

RENAULT UK does not guarantee that the Site is free of any error or anomaly, nor that it is not subject to attacks, in particular by viruses, that could lead to malfunctions, interruptions, breakdowns or losses of data or information.


The Site exclusively offers a service of putting a User in contact with Motrio Service Repairers with a view to making an appointment with a Repairer to carry out a Service by the Repairer.

The Motrio Service Repairer is solely responsible for the Service he carries out on the Vehicle and Renault UK cannot be held responsible for the information provided by the Motrio Service Repairer concerning the methods of carrying out the Services, in particular any information relating to their price (labour rate, availability of appointments, etc.). In general, the Motrio Service Repairer's Service is governed by the terms and conditions of the Motrio Service Repairer's General Conditions of Repair.

It is reminded that no online quotation is offered via the Site by the Motrio Service Repairer and that the Motrio Service Repairer will only be able to carry out the Service Provision after having examined the Vehicle for which the appointment has been made and after the User has signed an order to repair the Vehicle.

Furthermore, RENAULT UK may not be held liable for acts resulting from the negligence of the User or the Repairer. RENAULT UK does not accept any liability in the event of a dispute, regardless of the cause, between a User and a Motrio Service Repairer that is not attributable to RENAULT UK. RENAULT UK cannot be held responsible for the non-execution or poor execution of a Service Provision by the Motrio Service Repairer, and for the consequences thereof.


The use of the Site and the Service may require RENAULT UK and the Motrio Service Repairers to collect personal data enabling direct or indirect identification of the User. To find out more about the processing of your personal data, or about cookies, click


9.1 - The Site and its Content are protected by intellectual and property rights.

9.2 - The Site as a whole, as well as each element (photographs, texts, slogans, trademarks, logos, images and drawings, animated sequences with or without sound) of the Site, are the property of RENAULT UK or of the holders of the rights that have authorised RENAULT UK to use them.

9.3 You shall not copy, amend, reproduce in any form whatsoever the information and material on the site or otherwise interfere with the site or do any act that is inconsistent with our rights. Copyright Renault UK Limited.

 All our rights are strictly reserved.


The user can request customer support by using the support email address in the header of the site.

The request for information will be forwarded to the Customer Service Department in its back office.

The User must enter his/her name, e-mail address, telephone number, the subject of the request and the message describing the request.


RENAULT UK undertakes to make every effort to ensure that access to, consultation of and use of the Site are secure.

The Site is accessible on a continuous basis, except in the event of force majeure or the occurrence of an event beyond the control of RENAULT UK, and subject to any breakdowns and maintenance work necessary for the proper functioning of the Site.


12.1 - The language governing these GTCs is English.

12.2 - The Site and these GTC are subject to English law. Any dispute arising from the interpretation and/or use of these GTCs must be settled amicably. In the absence of an amicable settlement, the dispute will be submitted to the courts, it being specified that: "You agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts."

12.3 - In each case, the User may resort to a conventional mediation procedure or any other alternative dispute resolution method.


RENAULT UK reserves the right to modify and update these GTCs without prior notice, at any time and without informing Users in advance. Where applicable, changes and updates shall be binding on the User as soon as they are published on the Site, and the User is responsible for consulting the current GTCs each time he/she connects to the Site.


14.1 - NO WAIVER

The fact that the User, RENAULT UK or any member of the Motrio network does not avail itself of a clause of the present GTC shall not be interpreted as a temporary or definitive waiver of the benefit of the provision in question which shall remain in force.


If one or more stipulations of these GTC are declared invalid, void, or unwritten by virtue of the regulations in force, a change in regulations or following a final decision by a competent court, the other stipulations will retain all their force and scope, and RENAULT UK reserves the right to make any necessary changes to these GTC in light of the circumstances.


In addition to those usually accepted by the case law of the English Courts, the following are expressly considered to be cases of force majeure: bad weather, governmental and legal restrictions and modifications, computer breakdowns and telecommunications blockages, failure of the RENAULT UK servers and any other event beyond the control of RENAULT UK.